Key facts about Telehealth:

  • Telehealth has been shown to be an effective tool for provision of therapy services.  
  • Therapists are able to adapt their sessions delivered through telehealth to support client’s engagement and participation in the sessions. 
  • Engaging in Telehealth in home environment can assist with improvement in specific and functional goals 
  • You do not require any specialty equipment at home to participate in a telehealth session 
  • Therapists can provide information and support around any technology difficulties you may encounter

What therapy services are available using Telehealth?

You can access Telehealth appointments for Allied Health therapies, including:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Social work
Therapy services

Caregiver coaching

Telehealth sessions can provide parent/caregiver coaching to support the caregivers’ engagement with the individual during an activity.

Caregiver coaching allows the therapist to increase the capacity and confidence of the carer to provide intervention. It allows caregivers to effectively support the child or adult not just during therapy sessions but outside of sessions too.

How to prepare for a telehealth appointment

Make sure your Telehealth device (laptop /iPad / phone) is charged
Make sure you have a quiet space free of distractions
Make sure both you and the client can see the screen, and your therapist can see the client and the activity
Set up somewhere comfortable, where you can sit for at least 20 minutes

A device with internet connection, camera and microphone such as an iPad or mobile phone
The client’s communication aid / specialized equipment 
Instructions for Zoom

What a typical Telehealth session may look like:

First 5-10 minutes: catch up with your therapist

Therapy activities:

  • Activities will be conducted either directly with the client, or by providing caregiver coaching to support engagement with the client during an activity
  • Your therapist will give you directions, feedback, and tips for making the most of each activity
  • There will be approximately 3 activities in your session

Final 5-10 minutes: Final discussion and plan for the week, including time at the end for any questions you may have and for the therapist to document progress.

Contact us

If you would like to speak to someone about our telehealth appointment options please call us or send an online enquiry and one of our team members will be in touch.

Call CPL