CPL client Joan Leonard recently discovered an app that she says will keep us entertained either at home or on the road. Read on to find out more from Joan about the app and how it works.

I discovered a tapestry app during lockdown at home. I was searching for something else interesting to do on my tablet and found Cross Stitch Club.

You don’t need to be in lockdown, you can do this anywhere, at any time. I think this app could be enjoyed by anybody who wants to give it a try.

I find it very easy to use, once I became used to it. I also find this activity very relaxing when I’ve had a busy day! I really like the way the cross stitches shine just like real tapestry thread.

Images of tapestries created in the app. One shows a colourful cow face and the other a village scene with houses and snowflakes in the sky.

I like that I can use my hand more and I can play this on my own without any assistance; this makes me feel independent. I am often looking for new things to do, and this is an activity which I can start and stop anytime as it saves automatically!

I would like to help anyone who would like to get started.

To use it, firstly look up the name and install the app from the App Store. Click on the design that appeals to you, and follow the colour by numbers. You will see a row of numbers, each on a coloured thread spool. Tap on the colour you want to begin with. Then tap on the corresponding number in the design and drag your finger, thumb or a stylus in a line to colour in that area, whichever is easiest. You will see a cross hare in a circle, guiding your colour. Then proceed to your next choice of colour.

I feel rewarded and happy when I see my finished tapestry. I hope you do too!

Did you give the Cross Stitch Club app a go? Or do you use a different app you think others would love? Let us know at touchstone@cpl.org.au