Our CPL Redcliffe service – or Cascade Place, as it is affectionately known – recently hosted a volunteer group from ING Australia. CPL client Robert wrote about the day from his perspective, and was kind enough to share his experience in the blog post below.
The Communication Group, including Rob, Dale, Scott, EJ, Erin, Alda, and Reece, and Heide, our volunteer gardener, hosted a volunteer corporate group from ING bank.

Kate, our Cascade Place gardener, organised the $1000 of equipment and plants to prepare the garden for the big day.
ING brought 13 people who volunteered to help rehabilitate the bushland gardens. We mulched the edges of the garden beds, fixed the pathways, planted 190 plants and watered them.
I had a speech prepared to thank the group from ING bank for their work. They had a speech prepared too. We felt like a big team after they spoke to us.
They thought that Cascade Place was a very nice place and they enjoyed their day volunteering alongside us, giving us all an opportunity to meet people we wouldn’t normally come across.

Cascade Place manager Jeremy and Kate told the ING team that they had done a very good job in our garden. Jeremy also told them that they are welcome anytime and thanked them.
I enjoyed my day going around the garden, with a carer, picking up rubbish and taking the bag of rubbish down to the compost bin. It seemed like there were people working everywhere and no one sat down.
My carer and I carried water so that the volunteers didn’t have to walk to and from the taps all the time.
The weather was very nice that day which made our day really pleasant, and everybody was pleased with the work that was done.
I think there may be more busy days in the garden due to how successful the day was.
A big thank you to Robert for writing this blog post for us, and of course to ING Australia for supporting our CPL Redcliffe service.